roger, this is my grandpa grady. hi, nice to meet you. i left my notebook in your bedroom. i'll be right back. in the bedroom? oh, it's all right. we were just doing our homework. homework in the bedroom? see you later, laurie. so long, rog. bye, gramps. uh, laurie. what's the name of the course? oh, grandpa! oh, grandpa! what you young ladies need today is more housework and less homework! homework in the bed... what is--poppy, what is going on? i mean, where have you been? don't you know that i'm having a dinner party? you said you were gonna help. but i am gonna help you, ellie. an, that's what i was doing. i was out getting you a present for the party. a present for the... aww! poppy! i mean, poppy! you didn't have to do-- poppy, i'm sorry that i yelled at you-- no, no, no. it's all right. i love it when you yell at me. i mean, that's what families are supposed to do in their own home. they're supposed to yell at each other. i want him to see this, too. hal! [singing] ahh! ohh! that's magnificent! [cackling] ohh! poppy! oh, my, ellie! as you open the door. right. it jus