including the "daily mirror" will have been appalled by the so-called leverage tactics of unite in the grangemouth dispute. will my right honorable friend take steps to ensure that families, children, and homes are protected from a minority of militants? >> here, here. >> my honorable friend makes an important point. this sort of industrial intimidation is completely unacceptable. we have seen "wanted" posters put through children's letterboxes. we have seen families intimidated and we have seen people's neighbours being told that they are evil. it is completely shocking what had happened. it is also shocking that the labour party is refusing to hold a review and to stand up to len mccluskey. at this late stage, it should do so. >> mr. edward miliband. >> let me start by joining the prime minister in recognising the enduring importance of giving thanks on remembrance sunday to all those men and women who have served our country. this is a moment to remember all those who have lost their lives and to think about their families. that is why i know members from across the house and people across the