doctors and patients that are reimbursed in a different way, tax message alerts to make sure mom, granmaas taken her meds. the doctor said we play a role offering of the capitol. in november medicare and cms announced a 1 billion-dollar innovative challenge and increments of one to $30 million, so small grants bottom-up, start of america like a kid entrepreneur is moving. if you have a breakthrough idea that will shift to the health care system to value over volume and you need that initial kick, welcome. come on and. we are going to bring applications and and by march of the first drongen of investments out to see what that future will look like. that is an example of bottom-up winning strategies in line with everything you will read in this report coming and i believe the net effect of this will be that the products and services that we invented this new value driven health care system will be exported all over the world and lead to dramatic increases in jobs and by the, will bring our health care cost to triet the capacity for other sectors of the economy. so when we win if you put th