for example, granny smith, or crisp, but that’s the, it may be completely absent, for example, granismite, for example, it does not smell of anything, our apple, when it sits, put it in a bag, it will smell throughout the whole room, you smell our apple, it relieves stress, makes you feel happy, do you still have vitamins or are you all lost since last year? in apples from last year's harvest, of course, the amount of vitamin c is reduced, but fiber is retained and, for example, apples are very rich in pectin, soluble fiber, which is very beneficial for the intestines. apples also contain an antioxidant substance called quertitin, which is also preserved in last year’s apples. minerals, potassium, magnesium and iron also do not go away, and, by the way, the color has practically no effect on the benefits, and the fact that green is hypoallergenic to red is nothing more than. myth: in fact, allergies depend on the protein that is in the apple; red and green apples do not differ much in allergenicity. another myth: the more sour the ap