certainly as i travel around and talk to our clients at grant thornton, we have very dynamic clients, they're dynamic businesses that want to grow and invest. they have ambition. certainly the uncertainty is a factor that impacts their willingness and ability to do that, but there are other factors, too. i think they're looking for an environment that's going to be innovative. they need more access to capital. >> let me ask you this. you have lived in great britain where you are right now, and you now live in the united states and work there. you've also lived in china. a lot of people have been watching particularly this past week the demonstrations in london over the uk government's decision to increase tuition. we've seen other demonstrations across europe, and people here in the united states have been asking me, are we next if we don't get our deficit and debt under control? what's your thought on that? >> it will be interesting to be in london this week and observing the student riots and also trying to not only dodge the demonstrations but also the continual talk of the royal w