included an additional handouts that hopefully provide and more description on the school improvement grantham and detailed some of those categories on where initial investments are going. >> let me say how enjoyable it was to pick up a favor and see about how this san francisco school district is doing so much better in terms of a drop out if, and i wonder if you can talk about that and the strategy. >> as i mentioned earlier, the director and her attendance clerk coaches school's daily. they meet with the attendants clerks, and we have found so much of what is not happening is the intensive focus on insuring the process was done with fidelity and in a timely manner, and we found that was not happening. she also found some students were not coming to school, and somehow they have fallen through as far as people making false or home visits. this is k-12. they have not focused on kindergarten as much, but they find that is the highest degree of truancies, because you cannot force the parents to bring them to school until they are six. she has also worked on high schools, and we have made severa