we do want to warn you some of the pictures yoo are about to see are graphicc graphiccand cerrainlyystarrlede neighbors in hampden.but employees who work aa the plastiis company by the woodd... say they''e not surprised. they've ffund remains there before and they wonder if it could beea homeless personn.. since some homeless are known to set up &pshelter under the bridge. until the iivesttgation is complete... ii's unclear if phh woman died naturalll inn the woods... or perhaps was dumped there. 07:22 "i don't really now what's down there, bbt anywhere where there's lot crazy peopleeout there that can bury things."09:11 "it's kind of jolting in some ways, you now." the bones toothe medical sent 3 examiner.where they''e hoping theyycan gee some answers... like what happened to this woman and who she is?i'm megan gilliland, foo45 morning news. two juvennles are are being blamed for setting a church on fire in dundalk, last week. a 12 aad 13-yeer-old are facing a tring of charges, the fire at the pleasant zion .3 baptist church caused about pooice say the boys enteree an church...whhre they fo