a great example of that is precise graphix -- definitely one of my greatest wins.phix is in emmaus, pennsylvania, and what they specialized in is making displays for grocery stores. this is typically what i'd see, a wall graphic. dean: correct. this is something that you designed by yourself? yes. the concept. yes. brothers keith and dean ran the place and their employees loved them, but were rightfully concerned because the business was on shaky ground. i don't want to go look for a job. i love my job. but i want to feel like i'm gonna have a job for a long time. the opportunity for me was that precise can make designs and signs for all of my businesses, so it's a win-win -- they make money and the businesses get the benefit. we have a deal? we have a deal. my original investment in precise was to invest $270,000 for 33% of the business. and as we went through the episode, i gave them a couple of jobs. i gave them camping world to renovate a store. ♪ i gave them auto match, which was athens motors. as soon as you walk in, you're pretty much grabbed with a collage