the two moved back to california near her parent's dairy after graudation. he made the transition from engineer to dairy producer with the help of her family. <"really what engineering does is it teaches you a problem solving process. and it gives you skills in problem solving and any dairy knows there's problems to be solved on a day-to-day basis,"> <"greg really hasn't changed. untimately, he has wanted to be a farmer his whole life. i joke he fell in love with me when he found out my dad had a dairy. illa, california and created diamond h dairy. buying was easy. getting a permit was a challange. the process took several years and multiple lawsuits- one even finding its way to the california supreme court. <"i'm a realist. i know there needs to be regulations to structure society and industries. you just want them to be more common sense regulations. regulations that protect the environment and not just paperwork."> once phases... today they milk cows in two side-by-side parlors. one a double 34 harringobne, the other a double 45 parrallel. in order to mil