. >> commissioner gravanis. >> yes. >> stephenson nyes. >> wald. >> yes. >> wan. >> yes. >> approved. >> i want to thank everybody who came and spoke and everybody who has worked so hard on this and the similar measures in other areas. >> and next item please? >> director's report, updates on the department of the environment and administrative and program operations related to budget planning, and clean air transportation climate, energy, public out reach, education and environmental justice, habitat, restoration, >> is that all? >> and green building, and >> this is an information item. >> i promise that i will not go through all of that, you do in your packet a list of just the key items that have been going on. i want to call out just a few things of some that are in the report and some are, sort of my own thoughts. and the first thing that i want to note is that we had thought that today we would be doing my performance review. and we decided as a commission that because both the president and vice president of the commission were not here that it would be better to wait until th