that is why we long with the gray panthers and faith in action are supporting melgar's proposal by holding the landlords accountable. this is the time we need to act because see the cuts to the budget are going to impact programs helping to find issues, elevators and what not. plea support that. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> [indiscernible] [speaking foreign language] >> hi supervisors, my name is li and i'm with the families united collaborative. i come before you to stress the importance of prioritizing budget allocations for sro families united collaborative. my husband and i struggled to make ends meet. we have back breaking and low paying jobs. as a result, my family of four can only afford to live in a tiny sro. we often come home from building problems to a non-functioning stove is to broken showers and broken toilets. when the budget issues arrive, we're grateful to receive assistance from sro from the collaborative. they help us effectively communicate our needs to the landlord. fill stating repairs, their assistance is invaluable to low-income famili