as the herds of grade animals -- e animalsimals -- graz grew, they ate these plans that chumash indians relied on. the grazing animals ate those and it caused a problem. if you are not practicing agriculture, where are you going to go? that was one of the major impacts. it was an environmental change that came with the coming of the missions. the second thing is that they introduced diseases that arrived with your opinions -- your opinions. -- europeans. you had a high mortality from cholera,diphtheria, and other illnesses that came with the european culture. there was a high mortality in at ,he end of the mission period only 10% of the people who have been there 70 years earlier. having these artifacts on exhibit helps to educate people about the rich culture heritage of the native people of this area, the chumash indians and give them appreciation of their culture. a message comes from this is how these people interacted with their environment. they did not impact the environment the way we are impacting it today, the population density was much more than we have today. one of the mes