clinics actually comes when we get people to eat right these have been tight as brain foods fact or fiction blueberries blueberry great brain food very high and have taliban exclude berries non-organic blueberries hold more pesticides in almost any for other way doug different and as you support the idea of food in the brain fully nutritious your soup laments that we are going to go in order to permit what i eat more is going to go down to about nutrition or not your whole is extremely important salmon salmon great brain food specially wild salmon rich and omega three fats of a coddles god's butter. it's great. blue green algae blue green anything that is blue green anything that is colorful is going to be good for your brain common ground another very potent anti ox. it has polythene o's we're actually testing pomegranate juice and pomegranate extract we think it helps the brain any supplements you recommend you know i recommend everybody take a multiple vitamin and fish oil and then get their vitamin d. level checked low levels of vitamin d. brand new study out just yesterday associated with brain atrophy so those a