isn' at greatforhe job mart that can spend the ey on mor poductive things? whn it comes to obamacare, all a sudden the argument gets igored don't uerstand howckling smtling obama as muchas you an and letting the free market operate has to be much, muche for the people, the econo and jobs. > that's not gngo happen while presidenobama isill siing inhe oval office. we have no choice but to chip a toour oint, the business hirin ha alted. ths a reason part-time employeeare on theris ther areaso nsultants are on the ris no allbusiness wts to hit tha threshold, 50 full time mployeesecause health c cost go thrgh theheroo down the oad, can they peal it? absolutel he's nev goi tohrow his signure poly out. >> ppolically, i thinkhey a going to do somhing. i thi tre areies t wat to go aer. after tuday's election, after they whoop our bkendsup and dowthroa thehave to do something he be. thy have to give them d meat. su oba never going to sign i they have to do i forolical ass. >> they , they will be thrown ou in 2016. they have to get the econo ing. hy does .p. go on a hi