we called off the greating peert. thank got they switched them to regular sedans. so president and i were in the back with the foreign minister's wife. and by this time she was starting to be a little bit upset. >> the foreign minister's wife was getting upset? >> hm? >> the foreign minister's wife was getting upset? >> yeah, she was a little bit upset by that time. we opened the door and got her in the koor and pat took her hand kesh chief and wiped the seat off. we had an army around us. as we progressed into found, they evaporated. they just left. and there we were in the middle of thousands of people who were screaming at us, throwing rocks and bricks and nisk they could throw. and we finally got to a roadblock, so we were stopped. it was sort of an ambush, if you will, because they all converged on us. and i don't mind saying it. it's the scariest thing i think i've ever been in because they -- they were throwing the rocks. the windows were being shattered. and we can see the president's car, the vice president's car getting the same treatment up ahead. and pr