greco: sure. sure, there are.ere able to serve customers without problems, so during this month, we paid claims, issued policies, acquire new customers. we even created new products. however, in terms of what we do for the customers, for example, in telemedicine, you know, we are now considering investing in that sector as a consequence of this, because we understood during covid that there are lots of customers who needed to be cured but couldn't because of the physical proximity was just impossible. i mean, they could not go to the hospital. they needed to be cured, you know, with digital solutions, with remote solutions. we are investing in that. if i could see to rational and lever -- leisure, -- if i could see travel and leisure, this is completely upside down. we believe travel and leisure will start again progressively, but we believe business travels will be completely revolutionized by the situation, and so we have changed services that we offer to travelers, and we have developed a very different approac