could this be from the greely thing, steve? well yeah, it's old.e nails, these are very similar to the nails that we find up at fort conger, that greely left up there. same kind of nails, you know, so probably same era. you know, there were quite a few ships that went down around here. they got crushed in the ice. wow, yeah look at this, it goes down. the men of the lady franklin bay expedition wouldn't recognize this place today -- all of these battered-up bits of sea ice. they'd be astonished to see how this ocean has changed. to me, it's really disturbing. polar oceanographers like chris are reporting that the arctic ocean has lost three quarters of its sea ice volume in the past 40 years. and we're barely acknowledging the impact of these losses on the cooling system of our planet. in all my previous expeditions, i'd be surrounded by seabirds almost every day. these are the first guillemots we've seen on this journey. it's required being here for this five weeks to show me what the outflow of the arctic ocean where -- where the sea ice is suppo