river: can you guys take them over to green goddess?m ready. between drywalling, staining, wood cutting, prepping the floor before these five individual rooms can even be installed. woman: ♪ turn, turn, turn to me ♪ ♪ wait for you, wait for you to ♪ ♪ turn, turn, turn to me ♪ alphus: are we agreeing on the budget? what i want to understand, though, is how did you arrive to that number? ryan: so i'd say $2,000 on that one, wendy: i'm going to say that was closer to $1,500, each piece on that. ryan: i think i'm closer to $7,000, actually, with the -- 'cause i was missing that. alphus: it's been frustrating over the last couple of weeks. obviously, we're doing the showroom. we've kind of lost a lot of potential revenue, and so that's frustrating for all of us trying to figure out how to pay the bills and keep the lights going. ryan: i think we're going to add another $4,000 -- rugs, accessories. so we're like at $50-- say $55,000 for the entire showroom. alphus: tell marcus. we need cash. you guys figure it out. the disconnect is what the