. -- i work over at greencastle regent -- green cab.have raised this at the mta about getting credible information about being able to use the av cameras in a comprehensive way to get the data and so forth, and yet, nothing seems to be really, really happening. it is almost like living in a bad movie. there are people in good faith. there are bureaucrats. they are responsible, but nothing seems to be happening. it is a concern, so i report to you because of your position on the board of supervisors. you are part of the family, and i just wanted to raise those issues, but i do support this ordinance, proposal, resolution, and i hope you adopt it. thank you very much. president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. tom. south beach apartments. i moved there 22.5 years ago, the resident who is living there the longest. from my apartment, at one time, i could see five dirt parking lots. they are all gone. and what has happened in my neighborhood i really do not want to happen in the rest of the city, and i am going to give you