greenpeace activisted scaled a green near the white house to unfurl a banner with one word, "resist."ne of the activists was chairmen chopokian, veteran of nonviolent protests. she's the subject of a film titled "arrested again." it's playing this weekend at the green film fest in san francisco. and here's the clip of all the time she's been arrested while engaging in civil disobedience. >> 2000, time to start getting arrested again because we're invading another country. 2001, 02, '03, '05, '06, '07, '13, 16 -- i've been arrested 32 times in five states on two coasts. >> and joining me now is the activist in person herself, chairmen chopokian, as well as filmmaker dan godis. thank you for being here. karen, the resist banner protest took place one day after president trump signed orders intended to restart construction of two oil pipelines including keystone. were you just protesting that or other issues, as well? >> no. we were protesting all of his policies, promises, and practices. it just was fortuitous that it happened after that. ever being his administration, we were -- everyt