bren: well, so, we started a non-profit called greenwave, and greenwave's role is to replicate the farms, so, we have 8 new farms started and it's what--both on the east coast, then we're starting some on the west coast, and then build infrastructure, so, we have--we have a hatchery that we've built, and we're building a seafood hub. it's the country's first seafood hub which will do the processing, develop the value-added products, do the fertilizer, biofuels, kelp noodles. it's sort of an incubator space. and we trust spinning ouout of that will be all these entrepreneurial efforts of people--like, so, i had a kid, we worked with the bridgeport sound school, which is an inner-city school. i had a kid take my kelp and invent a 12-volt kelp-powered biodegradable battery. may: out of kelp? bren: yeah. may: wow. bren: : so, like, it's just, you know, like, i can't even imagine what people are gonna do and hopefully, i'll disappear at some point and people will run with this and make the model better and just innovate, but, so, infrastructure, and then the third piece is market development.