greg. hello, aaron o. connected to concrete, cowboy in one way or another. that's what that connection is. ricky, introduce yourself to an international audience. give to abby. yes, i'm ricky star, writer, and director of country cowboy. i go ahead get to see introduce yourself. what's your connection? my name is greg mary. i am the author of the young adult novel, general cowboy, on which the dawn was based. nice to have. i run a welcome to the stream. i think this might be a 1st aaron. tell everybody seeing you all what you do and you connection to the movie. i am aaron brown. i am the director of philadelphia harangue academy and also one of the original fletcher sheet writers. so nice to have you. that is our whole conversation, but this movie has started about that cowboys and black towel goes, i feel is an issue that if you know, you know, but if you don't, and you want to talk to aaron and greg, i'm re key the best thing to do is jump into youtube comment section, and youtube can be part of the day shift. so i would, if you know, you know, if you don'