here's greg andres, prosecutor from the special counsel's office. "it's important to note as well, judge, that this issue with the obstruction of justice, the government didn't learn about that by somehow subpoenaing or monitoring or getting a search warrant for mr. manafort's communications. we learned about it because a witness in this case, who was part of the government's investigation, brought forth the information about the tampering. and that's when we started our investigation. that's when we asked the court for additional time to give our opinion about bail. and that's where we started our investigation." so there's no way to monitor mr. manafort's communications in some effective way. the only condition that defense counsel suggests will address the issue of him, mr. manafort, tamping with witness-s a no-contact list. it's just not sufficient to protect the community or to give the court any confidence that mr. manafort will not try to again. it's not a single episode. it's a campaign that took place over five weeks. as we sit here today,