♪ 97 officer greg birkhead: a large number of our calls are domestic abuse domestic violence.lates to the point that one person will assault the other person and it can escalate from anything from a physical beating to where they'll actually grab a knife or a gun. things really get out of hand. dispatch: 911. woman: i've got to have the police here at mederman right away. what's the problem, ma'am? this, this ( blip ) come in my house and jumped on me. i'm going to shoot him. what's the address? come bring your... ( dial tone ) we're en route to a disturbance with weapon call. we got a report of a female subject with a gun. and right now she's threatening to shoot a guy. i don't know if he's a relative, a boyfriend, or what. we're going to have to find out when we get there. maybe it's going to be right here. no, maybe it's going to be the house instead of the projects. yep. ( garbled radio transmission ) woman: a lot of my men abused me. all i did was got off work, man. i came down. and she pulled a gun on me. did she have that gun just now? yeah. she been tripping, man. woma