some of you may have heard of homeboy industries father greg boyle who is an amazing man was here on capitol hill, also advocating for the youth promise act. for three years i have studied homeboy industries. i was very honored to see one of our other speakers, frankie, come visit there. homeboy industries is the largest gang intervention agency in the united states of america. it offers all the things that we're talking about here. mentoring, therapy, counseling, education, job training, and a place to belong. after three years. and by the way, my studies going to last at least five years, i've been following former gang members for these past three years. 300 of them. two-thirds of them have not gone back to jail. two-thirds of them have not come back to prison. [applause] >> really. and the reason why is that homeboy offers exactly what the youth promise act talks about, and it can only reach 400 people. that is all the funding they have. they need is so great. the funding is small, and we have to ask ourselves, why aren't we doing better by our children. i have also been working,