father greg boyle, the catholic priest who runs the homeboy industries program in los angeles, has successfullymoved young people from a life of games and violence and drugs and drug dealing into the workforce, just by putting his arms around those young people and believing and affirming their ability to his average is nothing stops a bullet like a job. so the importance of jobs at the committee level sorting is to be a part of this conversation as well. and, finally, in boston, and chicago as i mentioned them in richmond, community-based efforts, real partnership efforts, local police and public safety officials, public safety officials saying we can't arrest our way out of the problem of disconnected and unengaged youth. we need to make sure that we are giving them an opportunity, reform our juvenile justice system in the way the state of missouri has shown great leadership and showing a young people get caught up through a life of violence, in the juvenile justice system have an opportunity get their lives back on track. so this country is demonstrating through public-private partnerships a