photojournalist greg caser is out there. let's go over to weather graph. we've got big storms coming through now. still, nice thing off tooto -- to the west weeks not seeing any markers. warrenton, the hail reports have been up to an inch in diameter. the heaviest storms we're hearing are over toward areas of montgomery county and moving into warrenton. check this out. down to potomac, potential of hail. we want to go up to johnsville, maryland and show you what happened earlier. here's video we have. you can see what the winds did to that barn that's housing 150 head of cattle. this is a live picture from sky 9 up there. you can see what some of those winds did. we don't believe this was a tornado, but the straight line winds, we were seeing them early. these storms headed up to baltimore, likely delaying the start of the nats-os game. there was tremendous damage from some of the wind gusts that were with these storms we were dealing with. you folks in potomac, these storms are weakening coming out of ashton and herndon, but you're still seeing that. back