. >>> all right, craig, you're up. >> time for greg eel's secrets happiness, with a unicorn. when you have a choice between something big or something small, the inclination is to go for something big, maybe it would be better to have a two bedroom house. look at this otter, he found happiness in a down sized bucket. he didn't go for the big bucket. no, he's enjoying himself. so the moral here is maybe you can find happiness in big things, not small things like me. >> i don't even want to say it, but america's thinking it. >> all right, bob. >> we all remember the pop star icon phil spector who murdered actress lana clarkson and got 20i20 years in prison. take a look at mr. specter before he went in and now look at him today, phil, you had yourself a bad hair day, you had yourself a bad time and you shouldn't have shot that girl, because here's what happens to you. >> the lesson, don't shoot people. >> did he go bald? >> yes. >> i thido you think he looked r before or after? >> let's look again. you want to talk about -- >> that's the actfter, right? >> there's a better after