joining us now for more market strategy is greg curtis. g court and company. still with us is our guest host around the desk, phillip manducha. greg, you know, do you think that the revised gdp numbers, the weekly jobless claims will be anything to move the needle after yesterday when we had robust economic data and the markets didn't do a darn thing? is this an indication that our investors are kind of over it? >> yes, i think so. i don't think we're going to see anything today that's going to move the needle. i'd be very surprised. >> and why is that? because everybody is expecting the revision down unless there's a huge down or upside surprise? and jobless claims, everybody knows what the picture is in the employment situation right now? >> yeah, i think that's right. i think everybody has discounted what is likely to happen. it's only if something unusual happens. we've had such a strong run up from the lows back in march. i think we're pretty well out of steam at the moment. >> he's making the point at this stage you should neither a m