greg hayes told cnbc that a personal phone call and his platform are important factors. >> he said, look, greg, i need you to relook at the decision to close the indianapolis factory of carrier. we'll this a lot of things in this country that make it more conducive to manufacturing. >> brangham: it turned out that only 800 jobs are staying in the u.s. and 1,300 are leaving the country. those jobs that are saying came after the company received $7 million in tax incentives from the state of indiana. another example, just a few weeks before the inauguration, ford motor company announced they scrapped plans for a new billion dollar planted in mexico. the president hailed the decision, but ford's c.e.o. said not moving to mexico was mostly a business decision. >> the main reason for not building the plant and canceling the plant in mexico is just due the market demand. >> brangham: for critics of the president like steven rattner, these claims are p.r. stunts to give the appearance of action. >> we put together a list of every place he took credit and, in fact, he doesn't deserve credit for