this is one of the better offices. just a great view"> take a ride with california dairy producer greg hooker.... <"this sorghum takes about 2/3rds of the water as corn. with our drought, we've had to change some different crops,"> from sorghum to solar energy you'll see signs of diversification out of every used to pump groundwater for the crop.">(talking about solar pannels. show shots driving by) pieces of the business lining the road to his main investment: a 45-hundred head holstein dairy. it's an industry he married into and the reason he started farming. <"my joke is how did i end up in california? well, a woman brought me here!"> greg met his wife jennifer at a college in michigan. the two moved back to california near her parent's dairy after graudation. he made the transition from engineer to dairy producer with the help of family. <"really what engineering does is it teaches you a problem solving process. and it gives you skills in problem solving and any dairy knows there's problems to be solved on a day-to-day basis,"> <"greg really hasn't changed. untimately, he has wanted to be