team leader greg hurbert. >> there was no response from the suspect, no movement. and we felt that based upon his behavior he was laying in wait. >> with daylight fading they deployed a powerful form of tear gas. the cabin caught fire, and as the flames grew larger we heard a distinct gunshot coming from the house. >> the information we have right now seems to indicate that the wound that took christopher dorner's life was self-inflicted. >> kevin lacy made it official. dorner killed himself. less clear is whether the fire was deliberately set. >> you indicated on wednesday that you did not intentionally burn that cabin down to get mr. dorner out. audio we recorded there suggests differently. >> i stand by that mark. >> we did not intentionally burn that cabin down. i would suggest to you that those comments were made by somebody away from the tactical team. >> sheriff john mcmahon is also facing questions about the early days of the massive man hunt. >> carter evans reporting. it turned out he was inside a condo less than 100 feet away and was overlooking the sher