greg kimbrell is legit, he has 57 more saves than any other the sox gave up for minor leaguers, including carlos this way. season openers for unh, the women beat police our -- colby sawyer, 72-70 -- 72-41. the men hosted lyndon state. he scored 21 points. 10 rebounds, smith will score again, unh wednesday opener, -- unh wins 82-45 . echl hockey the toledo walleye at the monarchs. second period 2-2 game walleyes angling for a win alden hirschfield casts one on net, beating the monarchs goalie. the monarchs win 5-4 they play again tomorrow. dartmouth and brown tomorrow, unh at albany, pace at saint anselm. tamara you can watch ohio state at illinois, michigan at indiana, and a great one under the lights, oklahoma and baylor. shelley: still to come, a tribute in new york city to i owe about $68,000. i owe $44,000 in student loans. my plan, the new college compact, says you should not have to borrow money to pay tuition if you go to a public college or university. and you ought to be able to refinance student debt. and i don't believe the federal government should be making a profit off of le