my partner — my writing partner, greg lukianoff, the president of the foundation for individual rightsthe greatest free speech activists — was very clear about this. shout downs, stopping people from attending a talk, stopping speakers from speaking — none of this should be permissible on a college campus. what happened was, nobody ever did anything about it. and that sent the message that if you're protesting for certain political causes, you can do and say whatever you want. you can intimidate people, you can threaten people — nothing's going to happen to you. so that's the backstory. so now we get to this awful situation, the awful war going on... and of course, there are passions. of course, there are protests. and if it was just marches...and slogans, that's normal political speech. what about tents on lawns? i don't know where your office is in nyu, but... it is literally the building... ..there have been hundreds of students camping out near... yes. at my office building. really? the courtyard of nyu stern was the site of that big event at new york university. to the extent that