. >> good evening, greg mccekrin, here to discuss three of the general orders. i willing covering two of them, 5.05, and 5.01. and as i complete that i will call up the relations to discuss the order. >> before i discuss the two orders, 5.01 and 5.05. to give you a background, the written directive unit which falls under my command to the unit that assists with the changes or adoptions of policies and orders and department bulletins. there are a number of general orders that the department has looked at and continue to look at to make policy changes to. and we are working our way through that process. there has been a push to have a number of officers back on the street as our numbers are down and i would like to say that our written directives unit is at the staffing levels that it should be at. but currently we are unable to have it at that because of the need for the officers on the street for public safety. that having been said, deputy chief tomy oka and i conducted interviews today for the written directives unit with the intention of bringing two or three