tim, we'll move now to greg moody. greg moody is director, i created department of health transformati transformation. when he lays it out to you, you'll understand without controlling this program, the state of ohio could -- everything was going to be squeezed out, everything. it was vital we looked at this program differently. greg left the private sector to come to work for us. his wife is a minister. i said why are you doing it? he said my wife said it's in your gut, honey. you go and do what you need to do even if we have to get a little bit less money. he's been great. i think you'll enjoy this presentation, greg moody. >> thank you, governor. [ applause ] my wife is here so a little prayer right now would be welcome. thank you, governor. early in this process, and for us it was two years ago, governor kasich recognized that health policy is a team sport, and then he put together an incredible health transformation team. i'm looking forward to introducing you to that team in a few minutes. i also want to welcome