ok, we will go to greg mourad. guest: the workers can cut their own deal or form another union and negotiate with them, to and make a contract with them. all that is allowed. the unions have a very strong interest in disinformation on this. they want to propel the story that they represent everybody because it helps the idea that that they need everybody to pay dues. if the majority union would refrain from exerting what they call exclusive representation, what we really call monopoly bargaining, and instead only represent their own members and let everybody else figure out their own solution. host: bruce, independent. good morning. caller: how are you, gentlemen? i'm really not sure it is a good idea to have a union, because it does protect the guy out there that doesn't work. i have seen this time and time again. this hurts the guys out there who are working. the yen has three different contracts, and the new guys coming at the door, and they have nothing, they ain't got nothing. we have the union, and around and