crimes the left eleven men dead in the gulf of mexico last year as greg palast went on to say. eleven guys didn't die because of bad cement they died because of a lie thank god you're here because you're not going to hear it on the petroleum broadcast system you're going to hear it here it's time for the rise of corporate media and our news dependent on turning a profit investigator it is investigative journalism just isn't profitable anymore especially when you take on profitable and powerful industries that may advertise on or sponsor or underwrite your network and we do so is oil and gas ads for example recently and while the nuclear industry has been keeping their heads down they are huge and influential as well for example did you see this protest over the weekend it was more than sixty thousand people taking over and shutting down a large part of. chanting psion or i'm not nuclear power goodbye nuclear power and you probably didn't hear the two nuclear reactors are being built in the gulf coast in texas with rick perry's enthusiastic support and one of the major partners