tom walsh, and james warrow, suzanne greg, declaire dwan, and greg redstone. >> i will be the last speaker, actually, from our side. i want to reiterate a few points that have been made already. i was a member of the housing trust working group. i would like to reiterate -- in 1992, the threshold was 10 units. in 2006, it changed to five units. the report studied 100 units, which is 20 times larger than a five unit building. i would just like to make that point. one unit was built since the legislation was changed in 2006. the staff report alluded to the economy, but from july 19, 2006, through september 2008, when lehman brothers collapsed, there was two years of a housing boom in san francisco. i know project scott submitted. -- i know projects got submitted at that time. after all the information, i think it is time to approve this. i would say we need to give san francisco small builders and equal opportunity, a level playing field, and not burden them with excessive fees, which make it prohibitive to build. i am opposed to the pro rated fee. look at the working group sheet, and let al