so i'm greg simmons at independence political research a bit. he's in sweden and he said to europe is resorts to censorship because so it is losing dates and mason, we're working through the font. so the rules based on the by like their own rules. and the only reason they will be doing this is because of the losing view of somebody was so the tri state of the information. so that it receives those very cheap and not very credible wisdom propaganda because the communication is coming from the globe themselves, including russia, a just to pretty much handle the gulf is ridiculous. speak with one voice, which is or, well, the limit self ends, but they just repeat the same time narrative and we made those were the result the same. so sure, and it states the ship is the very last resort to do when everything else is filed. and of course, the sales, the ship itself will ultimately file well, the reasons you said. busy less credible leslie and people can get around these things. now, looking back, you wasn't too long ago that french police arrested tha