at the white house they have taken much of that responsibility away from gregg craig. >> gregg: look, in a broader sense, was candidate barack obama a little naive to assume that this was a problem that could be solved easily, almost waving a magic wand? or was this the typical campaign promise, an empty promise and gee i worry about the promise if and when i'm elected? >> i think you characterized it rightly. there was a great deal of impatience with guantanamo because it was a lightning rod for criticism of the bush administration. evidence that the united states was not living up to the ideals, giving people access to courts, not living up to geneva convention. the argument that these are not state actors but terrorists. barack obama went beyond other candidates for the nomination saying he wanted guantanamo shut down right away. he reiterated now and set the deadline. it is an embarrassment and it's why rahm emanuel and other players feel they have got to meet that deadline, they have to make progress on the 225 or so detainees that are still there that julie talked about, they ha