gregg's cavalry monument on east cavalry field and you can see the third monument where captain miller's charge crashed into the confederates. what is unique about this particular monument is it is one of the few monuments at the battle of gettysburg that is dedicated to the soldiers of both sides who fought on background. it is dedicated to both union and confederate cavalry who fought there. it was dedicated in the 25th anniversary of the battle. the dedication speech was given by captain james kidd, who fought there. in the years after the war, kidd became a newspaper editor and later publisher, a great writer. he wrote one of the best regarded memoirs of the civil war. kidd gave a speech and that is included verbatim in his memoirs. you can see it. the veterans all came back from both sides. you see there is a white wrought-iron fence. that was supposed to be melted down during world war ii to make munition. somebody in the area, a local guy, rescued it and hid it in its barn so it could not be melted down. in the years after world war ii, it was restored and you can still go out and