we are back now with gregory crosby. of that all catfish victims are not all starry-eyed schoolboys. he's a professor at the city university of new york and writes for "pacific standard" magazine. gregory, you were in an exclusive online relationship with someone who was faking it. you said you were in love. how did you -- >> yes. >> -- let that happen to you? were you lonely in were you rebounding? what was going on? >> well, i'd gone through a divorce. i'd had an even worse rebound from the divorce. and then i moved to new york city, which as many people know is sort of a perfect cauldron of loneliness, as i put it in the essay. the person who created maella, which was the name of the woman that i fell in love with, was kind of like the meryl streep of pathological liars. she went to great lengths to incarnate, to truly create my dream girl. and when your dream girl comes knocking, even though it doesn't seem that there's something fishy about it, doesn't seem like it's quite right, it's very hard to let that go. >> how