so, the guy's name is gregory moore. my pinhead of the week. do you concur?absolutely disgraceful protect the most defenseless. >> bill: just report honestly. if you are against it. say why you are against jessica's law but don't get in bed with the democratic party and pretty much tow their line whatever they do. >> natural out growth of the campus. there is going to be more pro criminals than pro victims. >> bill: it's a beautiful place to live and not for the better. there they are. factor tip for the day how to celebrate st. patrick's day in a way that mcguirk that will not. we don't want his way nor my way. the tip is next. >> factor tip of the day. outrage growing in the midwest. the jessica's law sickens me, i love the state and lived here my whole life, but becoming resentment because of the crazy politics, i'm canceling my subscription to the denver post. coloradans wake up and fight back. and villa hills, kentucky, if colorado and hawaii don't pass jessica's law you should call for a tourism boycott, bill. too many innocent people get hurt if i did