. >> his name was gregory mordick. he was a foreman on it's a small world, and he was a gentle and easy. one of a kind, really. that he loved to cook was not so unusual, but he also loved sewing, and she liked that. also she liked that, also liked when he told her about his college degree, his service in vietnam. and so the wedding in 1977 was magic. kit was happy, and before long, pregnant. first with elise, then breonna, and then a career. kit studied home economics so she launched her dream to become a food stylist, which meant she was the person who made it all looks so wonderful in the ads. >> it's something i don't have an eye for, because all of those corn kernels look the same for me. but when you are a food stylist, it is your job to find the best. >> she was good at it? >> very. very. >> her sister still has food photographs kit designed before some of boyd underwood's young detective buddies were born. these were published in the 1980s by the l.a. times home magazine. and that is when the strange story began