the fingerprint belonged to gregory smith, also known as g, the man pamela hahn says threatened her. smith is a known pimp. when questioned, smith claimed he was merely jasmine's driver and that she was willingly selling herself for cash. >> she worked for an entertainment service. i believe it was called the perfect package. and basically, it was like a prostitution service. she would go to various locations, transported by i guess you could say a pimp, where he would transport her, drop her off. he would just kind of hang out, watch, wait, transport her back and make sure that she contained the money. and business would go on. >> smith told police that he and his brother drove jasmine to gomez's apartment on the night of her murder. gomez had found jasmine through an ad in the paper. crystal manuel, a prostitute and the mother of smith's children, admitted she had brokered the deal. gomez agreed to pay $190 for an hour with the teen. >> she said that jasmine made the decision, that she asked to go, that they didn't know that she was 16. >> smith testified that at 11:00 p.m. the nig