second let's do more mental hear children, with millions of younh bullying, violence, trauma, grel healthcare at schools. we must a companies accountability for exg children for profit. time to pao stop big tech from collecting pd teenagers online. ban targeted . >> and impose stricter limits ot companies collect on all of us.p this nation's ones sacred obligd into harm's way and care for thn they come home. job training, jd their spouses as they come to r. helping veterans is for the rene homeless in america especially e country. dennis mc gun is here, va. we hl discussion when i asked him to e did. we were losing up to 25 vew we're losing 17 a day to the si7 veterans a day are committing se people being killed in the warsg everything it can including exph screening, proven programs, recr veterans understand what they're help they need. we gotta do morl and i reignited the cancer moono start with president obama asker administration on this issue. or death rates at least by 50% in e cancers and death sentences to e more support for patients and tl with so many of us, so many of g us morrison