because ultimately, if you do not do a right, you will be having lots of visits from the inspector grenelli and you will be back before this commission and this is a hefty investment. people who think they -- people who buy clubs are very unusual -- for unusual reasons. i promote the business. i want you to have the club but i want you to run it right. i know that everyone says how hard could it be? human beings, your customers, are the issue. they are what makes it difficult and as nice as you are, as bad as you are, or whatever, it becomes an issue and i do not want to end up back here because you do not have the experience. i would hope you would look into finding not just someone to manage the bar but someone who could manage the room. and all the employees and everything else. >> our plan is to continue with the same employees the current owner has at this point. in addition, jt will be managing and i will be a hands-on manager as well. with that plan, i managed the news in the past having to do with personnel. i know not in the club industry but other venues. >> commisioner joseph: it