good afternoon, captain grenevich, investigative committee, hello, tell me, does citizen vasily live here? yes, we wanted to ask him a few questions? please, come in! oh, citizen vasilyev, what interesting hands you have, another row, the police are looking for them again, and who are you, and what are you doing in my house, investigative committee, i didn’t understand, the question is audible, with your hands, i say, what? fell, woke up, plaster cast, okay, wow, you like movies, and very much, well then tell me what and where you watched on wednesday evening, what are you, what you, he came home at 4:00, had lunch, then watched tv until night, i don’t believe that you ’re defending him again, he’ll beat you up anyway, well, get out of here, you brat , sit down, citizen, you little snake, damn you , so little, don’t be afraid, don’t listen, tell me how it all happened, in detail, in order, my mother and i were already going to bed, then he came home drunk again, it was already 12, and he attacked us with his fists and beat my mother, but she believes everything, she’s with me... now,