even at 100% grenoble, it is not much lower than 40%. there are geographic differences in responses of the residents that we spoke with. and while we don't have a large enough sample of interviews to look at individuals the coats, we were able to divide the city into rough quadrants. northwest, southwest, northeast, southeast. the table to the right shows the proportion that would be interested in the 100% renewable energy scenario in each of these areas of the city. the highest level of interest is what we have defined as the northeast quadrant that runs from everything north of market in the northeast corner of the city down to the valley. that support drops a little bit in the southeast quadrant in the northwest quadrant. slightly less than one-third indicate they would opt for 100% renewable package. finally, in order to understand the way that some of the customers might react to some of the arguments for and against the clean power program, we presented them with some of the major things that supporters and opponents might say. aft